Dream Day Website

The Dream Day Wedding website is a personal project I developed for my portfolio, showcasing my skills for potential real clients. The objective was to create an engaging and user-friendly platform that simplifies the wedding planning process.
Web Design
Webflow Development
Full Website


Dream Day


February 2024


Web Designer, Webflow Developer

Design Process

Project Brief

I started the project by generating a brief as a client would. The brief was to design and develop a modern, responsive, and beautiful website for a wedding planner company. The site should feature a calming color theme, be rich with images, and include unique interactions. The project was to be completed in 5 weeks.

Initial Research and Ideation

The design process began with thorough research to understand the needs and preferences outlined in the brief. I explored similar wedding planner websites for inspiration. This research phase was crucial in shaping the project's direction and ensuring the design would resonate with the target audience. This took approximately four to five days.


The next step was wireframing. This phase involved outlining the rough direction for the website's design. Using the powerful AI tool Relume AI, I created the initial wireframes efficiently and effectively. I then refined these wireframes using Figma to suit my needs and preferences. These wireframes served as blueprints, outlining the website's structure and flow. Multiple iterations were made to perfect the layout.

Wireframe stage of Dream Day website
Wireframe stage of Dream Day website
Visual Design

The next part of the project was the visual design, which took the majority of the project duration. I began by gathering mood boards from popular design communities to draw inspiration and used resources from platforms like UI8 and Envato Elements. The visual design phase involved creating high-fidelity designs. I focused on a clean, elegant aesthetic that reflected the joy and beauty of weddings. Color schemes, typography, and imagery were carefully selected to evoke the desired emotions. Responsive layouts were designed to ensure the website looked stunning on all devices. I reiterated this stage multiple times to achieve the perfect design.

Final design of dream day
Final design of dream day

Development Process

For development, I chose Webflow due to its robust capabilities for creating responsive websites without the need for extensive coding. This decision allowed me to focus more on design nuances and user experience.

The development phase involved translating the Figma designs into Webflow. This process required meticulous attention to detail to ensure every element was pixel-perfect. Webflow's visual development environment enabled me to implement complex interactions and animations seamlessly. I followed best practices in development, such as proper class naming, structured layout for easy updates, and using a style guide. I optimized the site for accessibility and SEO by adding alt text for every image, using rem-based units instead of pixels.

developing home page the website in webflow
developing home page the website in webflow
Developing the website using style guide
Developing the website using style guide
Testing and Optimization

I conducted rigorous testing across different browsers and devices to identify and fix any issues. This step was vital to ensure a consistent and smooth user experience. Performance optimization was also a key focus, as I wanted the website to load quickly and run smoothly, even on mobile devices. Small improvements were made throughout this phase to enhance the overall performance.

Learning and Conclusion

This project was a significant learning experience for me. Working with Webflow enhanced my skills in no-code development, and the challenges faced during responsive design testing deepened my understanding of cross-platform compatibility. Each hurdle I overcame was a step forward in my professional growth. I gained a comprehensive understanding of the web design and development process and am proud of the final product I created.

mockup screen
mockup screen
mockup screen

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