Capital Guard Landing Page

The Capital Guard landing page is a personal project I crafted for my portfolio to highlight my expertise to potential clients. The aim was to design an interactive and polished platform that effectively communicates reliability and professionalism for a banking company.
Modern Design
Landing Page


Capital Guard


April 2024


Desinger and webflow dev

Design Process

Project Brief

The project began with creating a detailed brief that mirrored a client's request. My objective was to design and develop a modern, responsive, and visually appealing landing page for a banking company named Capital Guard. The page needed to convey trust and professionalism, featuring a strong color scheme, engaging visuals, and clear calls to action. The timeline for this project was set at 2 weeks.

Initial Research and Ideation

To start, I conducted research to grasp the industry's standards and how similar websites are built. I analyzed competitor websites and gathered insights into effective design elements for security solution companies. This research phase was pivotal in shaping the design strategy and ensuring the landing page would appeal to the target audience.


Next, I moved on to wireframing. I utilized Relume AI to quickly generate initial wireframes, which provided a solid foundation for the design. These wireframes were then refined and customized in Figma to align with the project's requirements and my design vision. The wireframes acted as a structural guide for the landing page, ensuring a logical flow and layout. Several iterations were made to optimize the design.

Wireframe Phase of capital guard
Wireframe Phase of capital guard
Visual Design

The visual design phase was streamlined due to the strong foundation provided by the wireframes. I began by curating mood boards with design inspirations from top design communities and utilized assets, especially from UI8. The visual design focused on creating a sleek, professional aesthetic that conveyed security and reliability. I carefully selected color palettes, typography, and imagery to reinforce these themes. I chose modern green paired with lime green colors, and for fonts, I chose DM Sans variable font for its flexibility. I finalized the design by adding compelling copy (generated by Relume AI and ChatGPT) and ensuring responsiveness for small devices.

Hi-Fi Design of capital Guard
Hi-Fi Design of capital Guard
Development Process

Time for the fun part: I chose the popular no-code development tool Webflow for development. The development phase involved converting the Figma designs into a fully functional landing page on Webflow. I paid close attention to detail to ensure pixel-perfect implementation. Webflow's intuitive interface enabled me to create sophisticated interactions and animations effortlessly. I adhered to best practices, including clear class naming conventions, a structured layout for easy maintenance, and a comprehensive style guide. Accessibility and SEO optimizations were integrated as well, adding all the necessary details and publishing the website on Webflow's subdomain.

Developing landing page section in webflow
Developing landing page section in webflow
Optimizing the size for smaller screens
Optimizing the size for smaller screens
Testing and Optimization

Everything was working great except for one or two minor issues with some animations on the site. Other than that, there weren't any major issues, and I didn't find any additional problems post-launch. This step was essential to guarantee a seamless user experience. Performance optimization was also a key focus, ensuring quick load times and smooth operation across all devices. I checked the responsiveness and many other aspects to ensure a well-made site.

Learning and Conclusion

This project was a valuable learning experience. I learned how to build a large corporate website, even though it was just a landing page, and I gained a lot from the process. I also learned how to use design resources to speed up my workflow. In terms of development, I became more comfortable working in Webflow than I ever was before. This project provided a comprehensive understanding of the web design and development process, and I am proud of the final product.

mockup screen
mockup screen
mockup screen

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