Health Hub

The Health Hub landing page is a beautifully simple and clean website created for a fictional hospital. This project showcases my attention to detail in UI/UX design for websites. The objective was to craft a welcoming and user-friendly landing page that effectively conveys the hospital's trustworthiness and commitment to care.
Clean Design
Corporate Identity


Health Hub


May 2024


Designer, Webflow Developer

Design Process

Project Brief

The Health Hub landing page project aimed to create hospital named Health Hub. This project showcases my ability to blend UI/UX design with seamless functionality, ensuring a user-friendly experience that meets the needs of the target audience. I allocated two weeks to complete this project.

Initial Research and Ideation

To start, I conducted research to understand the healthcare industry's standards and how similar websites are built. I gathered insights into effective design elements for healthcare providers, looking for inspiration from sites like Dribbble and Behance. Given the similarity among healthcare websites, this phase was relatively brief.


Next, I moved on to wireframing. I utilized my favorite AI tool, Relume AI, to quickly generate initial wireframes, which provided a solid foundation for the project. These wireframes needed minimal refinement and customization in Figma. The wireframes acted as a structural guide for the landing page, ensuring a logical flow and layout. Due to the effectiveness of the AI-generated profiles, there were few iterations in this phase.

Designing Wireframe In relume AI
Designing Wireframe In relume AI
Visual Design

The visual design phase was streamlined due to the strong foundation provided by the wireframes. I began by curating mood boards with design inspirations from top design communities. My goal was to create a landing page with clear calls to action. In this phase, I used Freepik's AI image generation tool to create various images for the page, particularly for the doctor section. Based on my initial research, I chose blue as the primary color and white as the background and secondary color. I used Sofia Pro font for the entire website.

Development Process

The development phase involved converting the Figma designs into a fully functional landing page on Webflow. I paid close attention to detail to ensure pixel-perfect implementation. I adhered to best practices, including clear class naming conventions like using the client-first class naming convention, a structured layout for easy maintenance, and a comprehensive style guide. Accessibility and SEO optimizations were integrated as well, adding all necessary details and publishing the website on Webflow's subdomain. I optimized the entire site for smaller devices like tablets and mobile phones.

Developing the website in webflow
Developing the website in webflow
Optimizing the website for tablet devices
Optimizing the website for tablet devices
Testing and Optimization

Since this is a landing page, I encountered hardly any issues. Everything worked smoothly, with no issues post-launch. I optimized the site for search engines and accessibility by adding SEO settings, title tags, open graph settings, and everything necessary for optimization. This step was essential to guarantee a seamless user experience. Performance optimization was also a key focus, ensuring quick load times and smooth operation across all devices. I checked the responsiveness and various other aspects to ensure a well-made site.

Learning and Conclusion

This project was a valuable learning experience. I learned how to build a comprehensive healthcare website and gained a lot from the process. I also learned how to use Freepik's AI design tool to obtain high-quality imagery, enhancing the website's visual appeal. In terms of development, I solidified my use of the client-first naming system, which, although it might slow me down initially, is beneficial in the long run. I am proud of the final product.

mockup screen
mockup screen
mockup screen

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