Defend VPN App

The Defend VPN app project was undertaken to design a modern, intuitive, and visually appealing mobile application for a VPN service provider. The aim was to create a mobile app that conveys trust and simplicity while ensuring a seamless user experience.
UI/UX Design
App Design


Defend VPN


July 2023


UI/UX Designer

Design Process

Design brief

The Defend VPN app design project aimed to create an intuitive, visually appealing, and user-friendly mobile application for a VPN service provider. The objective was to design an app that conveys trust and simplicity, ensuring a seamless user experience. The app needed to feature a strong color scheme, user-friendly navigation, and ease of use. The timeline for this project was set at 8 weeks.

Initial Research and Ideation

To start, I conducted research to understand the VPN industry's standards and how similar apps are designed. I analyzed competitor apps and gathered insights into effective design elements for VPN services. This research phase was crucial in shaping the design strategy and ensuring the app would appeal to the target audience.

Visual Design

I began the design process by collecting design resources from various sites, mainly from and Envato Elements. These resources provided a solid foundation for my design. I started the visual design in the second week of the project, with the goal of creating a modern and simple app. Over the following weeks, I focused on crafting the design, using an iPhone device frame for consistency. The entire app consists of over 40 screens, each designed with meticulous attention to detail. I chose green as the primary color to stand out from the competition, as most apps in my research phase had similar color schemes. Additionally, I handled the copywriting to ensure cohesive messaging.

Defend VPN app designing
Defend VPN app designing
Forget Password flow in defend vpn app
Forget Password flow in defend vpn app

In the prototyping phase, I leveraged Figma's interactive features to transform the static designs into functional prototypes. I developed clickable prototypes that showcased the app's flow and user interactions, starting from the splash screen to the premium subscription sign-up process. This phase enabled me to assess the app's usability and functionality. I conducted extensive self-testing and streamlined the process by using components as best practices.


Prototype Link

Learning and Conclusion

This project was a valuable learning experience. I learned how to design a comprehensive VPN app and gained a lot from the process. Utilizing design resources effectively helped speed up my workflow. a learn a lot about figma prototype feature. I also became more familiar with mobile app design guidelines and practices. The app has now been used more that 170 people in figma community and has been useful resource for many designers. This project provided a deep understanding of the app design process.

mockup screen
mockup screen
mockup screen

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